Keto Coffee – Calories in Coffee

The keto diet has taken the world by storm.  The diet promises to help people lose weight by sticking to a low-carb, high fat meal plan. With the rise in popularity of this diet practice has come a host of new recipes for dieters to try, perhaps most famously the new trend of drinking keto coffee. But what exactly is keto coffee?

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This article will explain the ins and outs of keto coffee, and why adding fat into your morning beverage is actually considered a good thing within the keto diet. Additionally it will take a look at how the calories in keto coffee compare to the calories in coffee with other add-ins, touching on exactly why it is that this unique beverage could be the next healthy addition to your diet.


What is Keto Coffee?

Keto coffee, also known as “bulletproof coffee,” is a version of the beloved morning beverage that fits within the parameters of the keto diet. The keto diet (also known as the ketogenic diet), is a diet that prioritizes eating low-carbohydrate foods while also consuming lots of healthy fats and a moderate amount of protein. With this, many keto dieters find themselves looking for ways to incorporate healthy fats into the foods and drinks they are consuming – which is where keto coffee comes into play.


In a nutshell, keto coffee is regular coffee that has had fat added to it. These fats tend to come from sources like coconut oil, MCT oil, butter, or even ghee – a highly concentrated form of butter, also known as “butterfat.” Since traditional coffee add-ins like milk, coffee creamer, and sugar don’t always fit into the keto diet, adding in these sources of healthy fat is a way to soften the bitterness of regular coffee without disrupting your diet.


Keto Coffee vs. Regular Coffee:

Keto and regular coffee start out the same, but become seemingly different drinks entirely based on what is added to them. Keto coffee in general will always have healthy fats added to it, whereas regular coffee will not. However, regular coffee commonly has creamers, sugars, syrups, or other additions added in. With all of the possibilities for modifications to your morning coffee, how do keto coffee and regular coffee compare to one another calorie-wise?

Calorie Comparison:

In general, the calories in coffee amount to around 1 calorie per cup, making regular coffee an almost zero-calorie food. But it is the additions that will raise the calories of this common breakfast drink across the board.


The calories in coffee with cream alone added amount to around 58 calories per cup, if around two tablespoons of light cream are added. Meanwhile, there can be as many as 70 or more calories in coffee creamer that has added sweeteners or sugar.


Keto coffee rarely contains anything beyond just the added healthy fats. Even then, these healthy fats can result in a cup of keto coffee having 250 calories or more. Between the options of coconut oil, butter, or ghee, butter tends to add the fewest calories to keto coffee.


6 Benefits of Keto Coffee

Keto coffee may have more calories than traditional coffee, but dieters still flock to drink their bulletproof coffee every morning with breakfast. Why? Because of the many overall benefits that keto coffee offers for their dieting lifestyle. These benefits include:

keto coffee

  1. Energy Boosting Effects

    Starting off the day with a cup of keto coffee can help give a burst of energy to start the day off on a positive note. Not only does coffee itself have a powerful dose of caffeine, Keto coffee in particular carries enough fats and calories alone to help hold you over throughout a considerable portion of the day.

  2. Aid to Weight Loss Goals

    Starting the day off with a keto coffee is not just a zero-carb option that support the keto diet. Drinking this special coffee can also help with weight loss goals by suppressing your appetite. For keto dieters who reach ketosis, the combination of the fatty acids from keto coffee with the natural fats being burned in the body is enough fuel to help stave off any cravings that typically rise throughout the day.

  3. Anti-inflammatory Properties

    Many healthy fats like grass-fed butter are rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for their anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, grass-fed butter on average has as much as 26% more omega-3 fatty acids than regular butter. This makes it a powerhouse when it comes to the anti-inflammatory benefits of keto coffee.

  4. Healthy Digestion

    Adding coconut oil in particular to keto coffee can act as a natural laxative, helping to promote overall better digestion. Coconut oil helps to lubricate the whole of the digestive system, which can promote gut health and prevent constipation.

  5. Brain Function and Memory

    While coffee alone can help with overall focus and memory, healthy oils like MCT can increase the benefits. Studies have shown that MCT oil can help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia over time.  The oil can help to give added alertness and memory boosts.

  6. Helping Prevent Diabetes

    Coffee alone has some small ability to help prevent the development of diabetes. However, the addition of MCT oil to keto coffee takes this protection to a new level. Specifically, the multi-chain triglycerides present in MCT oil can help lower the risk of type-2 diabetes by helping overall to reduce the body’s weight and fat stores.






Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, keto coffee can be a healthy addition to any keto diet plan. The addition of healthy oils such as coconut oil, MCT oil, butter, or ghee all bring an array of unique health benefits that regular coffee along cannot provide. So the next time you go to make your morning cup of coffee, consider taking a chance and trying your own bulletproof coffee. It is sure to be a hit!


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